Boiler Annual Shutdown

March 16, 2015

Boiler Annual Shutdown

Those whose homes are heated with a boiler will testify that the quiet, nearly imperceptible operation delivers comfort that is unmatched by any other. Sitting in a room with a warm radiator means you are not the hottest object so your body absorbs heat instead of losing heat. The source of the warmth comes from the boiler . . . sitting . . . alone in the back of the basement. When operating correctly, it is out of sight and out of mind. But ignoring your boiler can cause damage which leads to expensive repairs or costly replacement which never comes at a welcome time.
Annual maintenance on steam boilers is a must; a shutdown in the spring and a startup in the fall. Boiling water produces a high concentration of residue inside the boiler. Piping that residue through the system can damage the steam boiler. Boilers that pump water have electric motors and wired controls which require annual maintenance to avoid emergency repairs and inconvenient failures.
Maintaining the burners and controls will reduce your gas usage and that will save you money. It will also reduce your carbon footprint produced by the gas consumption of a boiler. Stop ignoring a potentially very expensive issue. Give your boiler the care it needs and extend the service life by decades. Annual maintenance on your boiler gives you peace of mind knowing due diligence has been done.

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