Your house is shuttered up tight against the outside elements, but what about the inside elements? Indoor air pollution levels can rise far beyond outdoor air - even 100 times more polluted! Problems can include illness-causing microorganisms, allergens and even bad odors.
And running that furnace with no fresh air means dry air and lots of static electricity in your home. Dry noses, itchy skin and sore throats-especially in the morning - are all signs of too little moisture in the air. This can also exacerbate allergy and asthma symptoms not to mention cause splitting in wood floors, furniture, plaster and molding.
Fortunately, there are ways to combat the stale, dry winter air. First of all, a whole-house humidifier will work wonders by returning moisture to your home. It is installed directly to your heating system.
Water is supplied to the unit and then the humidified air is delivered to your whole house via your ductwork. It's much more efficient than just having a humidifier running in one room of your home. Another bonus is that these humidifiers have no standing water for algae and bacteria to grow.
There is a way to fight the microorganisms and allergens as well. Ultraviolet light is nature's way of controlling airborne microorganisms. The ozone layer allows just enough UV light from the sun through the atmosphere to keep the air from being overly contaminated with bacteria and viruses. This is why moss only grows on the north side of trees.
You can bring UV light into your home to do the same. An ultraviolet light, installed in your heating and cooling system, works 24-7 to destroy airborne microorganisms circulating through your air ducts. Whole house germicidal UV air treatment will also reduce odors and costs no more to run than energy-saving fluorescent light bulbs.
So, don't think you have to put up with bad air in your home this winter. Live healthier and more comfortably with cleaner, moister, healthier air. For a coupon worth $50 off the installation of a humidifier, visit our website at