Air Conditioner CLEARANCE SALE Going On Now!

SAVE NOW!! Just because your AC is working doesn't mean it won't PAY to replace it. You can find out just HOW MUCH it would pay if you call us right now, during our AC Clearance Sale.
The AC Clearance Sale means what's left has GOT to go. We made a stock-up purchase at the beginning of the summer and now we are down to limited quantity and limited sizes.
Remember, tax credits go away on December 31st, so don't wait until the year-end rush. When you consider our AC clearance sale prices, the federal tax credits and the rebates from the local utility companies, it's a great value!
If you don't know if your AC will qualify for a rebate, call us, we'll come out for free to test it. We know about all the local rebate programs and if you qualify for one, we will tell you.
Our sale ends August 31st. Don't forget, we are the "Technicians You Can Trust With Your House Keys"®.