July 3, 2019 Energy-Efficient Fan Motor Mandate – Will it Mean Cost Savings for You?

April 30, 2019

After July 3, 2019, residential furnace manufacturers must include energy-efficient electronically commutated low-wattage motors (ECM’s) on their furnace fans, instead of the permanent split capacitor (PSC) induction blower motors normally used.

The Department of Energy (DOE) has updated their Furnace Efficiency Rating (FER) standards, mandating that these energy conserving motors be used starting July 3, 2019 in all new furnaces, with the expectation that these new standards will result in significant conservation of energy and reduction of carbon pollution.

For homeowners, this means the initial price of residential furnaces will be increasing due to the higher cost of the ECM motors.  But though the initial cost for a new furnace will be going up, the DOE estimates these motors will save an average consumer about $340 to $500 over the lifetime of their furnace, even after accounting for the increased upfront cost, due to significant savings in energy costs.

ECM motors are expected to keep homeowners more comfortable, too.  First, they provide more efficient airflow. Second, they reduce temperature swings in the home by allowing the fan to run for a longer time at a reduced speed.  And homeowners will be more inclined to operate their furnace fans all the time, therefore cleaning the air consistently.

The net effect on the homeowner’s energy usage by the ECM motors may be reduced by as much as 46%, which depending on the home and the furnace model, could result in as much as $67.00 per year in energy savings.

Although the old furnaces with PSC induction motors may still be in stock for a short time after July 3, they will only be available while supplies last.  Some homeowners may opt for repairing an old furnace, but it can be a costly decision when compared to the energy savings of replacing it with an energy efficient furnace.

The question then is, “how expensive does a furnace repair need to be before it’s not worth it?” Even for less expensive repairs, depending upon how old your furnace is, replacement may be a more cost-effective option.

To help you make the best choice possible, Anthony Plumbing, Heating & Cooling will help you assess when and if you should replace your furnace.  Call us at A-N-T-H-O-N-Y (268-4669) KS or MO.

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