Fix the Hot Spots In Your home
Fix the Hot Spots In Your home
You don’t have to live with uncomfortable rooms in your home. Heat rises, so rooms on second or third floors are often too warm. Rooms with vaulted ceilings have a difficult time retaining heat at floor level, while rooms that receive long hours of sunlight are difficult to cool down. Regardless of why a room is uncomfortable, there's one surefire way to even out your home’s temperature: the Maestro Zoning System.
Just like we have many light switches to operate our lighting, the Maestro Zoning System uses more than one thermostat. The thermostats constantly read the temperature of their specific zone, and then send air to the desired area according to the thermostat's settings. You don’t have to cool the entire first floor before the upstairs gets comfortable.
“We had a big problem with keeping our upstairs cool because our air conditioner is too small”, said Amy Shideler. “After the zoning was added, we noticed a big difference, and it cools down much quicker. It’s nice not to have to go downstairs and manually mess with the dampers.”
Maestro Zoning saves you money by sending air to rooms only when it’s necessary. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, system zoning can save homeowners up to 30 percent on a typical heating and cooling bill.